By Phillip Swann
The TV Answer Man –Follow me on X.

TV Answer Man, hey, did you see the NFL Sunday Ticket decision? The jury awarded billions to the fans! As a DIRECTV subscriber for 20 years, when do I get my money???!!! — Tim, Madison, Wisconsin. 

Tim, a jury in California today found the NFL had conspired to keep NFL Sunday Ticket prices above market value and decided the league should pay $4.7 billion in damages to residential subscribers and $96 million to bars which offered the package of out-of-market Sunday afternoon games.

The decision, which comes nine years after the class action lawsuit was first filed by consumers who subscribed to the Ticket when it was on DIRECTV, does not surprise me. I noted in my commentary earlier this month that despite the league’s strong arguments in the case, the jury was likely to side with the plaintiffs.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if the plaintiffs wins,” I wrote. “It’s a jury trial and Lord knows that juries sometimes like to stick to the man, particularly on something like ‘high prices.’ ”

If you were a DIRECTV Sunday Ticket subscriber from 2011 to 2023, you would be eligible for a rebate under today’s ruling. However, before you run to your mailbox to look for your check, please note that the NFL is appealing the ruling and it could take months, if not years, before the ruling is affirmed, if it ever is. The NFL’s legal response will start on July 31 when it will ask the presiding judge to set aside the verdict. Since the judge seemed skeptical of the plaintiffs’ claims during the trial, don’t bet against that happening.

“We are disappointed with the jury’s verdict today in the NFL Sunday Ticket class action lawsuit,” the league said today. “We continue to believe that our media distribution strategy, which features all NFL games broadcast on free over-the-air television in the markets of the participating teams and national distribution of our most popular games, supplemented by many additional choices including RedZone, Sunday Ticket and NFL+, is by far the most fan friendly distribution model in all of sports and entertainment. We will certainly contest this decision as we believe that the class action claims in this case are baseless and without merit. We thank the jury for their time and service and for the guidance and oversight from Judge Gutierrez throughout the trial.”

The appeals process will also likely allow the league and Google, which now has the Sunday Ticket rights, to continue offering the package as it’s currently structured. So don’t start looking for lower Ticket prices or single-team options quite yet, either.

Tim, hope that helps. Happy viewing and stay safe!

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The TV Answer Man is veteran journalist Phillip Swann who has covered the TV technology scene for more than three decades. He will report on the latest news and answer your questions regarding new devices and services that are changing the way you watch television. See the bio for Phillip Swann here.