By Phillip Swann
The TV Answer Man –Follow me on X.

Readers, earlier this week, I posted a note on our site’s deteriorating financial situation thanks to Google’s abrupt and dramatic change to its Search algorithms which have seriously damaged small, independent web publishers. In the note, I asked you to make a small contribution to our site by using Buy Me a Coffee, which allows you to make a donation from $5 to $25. Thus far, there have been contributions from 47 readers and I am humbly grateful for each and every one.

I am sending this message again to ask those who have not donated to do so if you are able. I understand that even a small contribution can be difficult for some due to inflationary pressures and other economic problems. But it would go a long way to ensuring that I can continue writing articles at on a regular basis as well as answer your questions via e-mail for free. To the best of my knowledge, no one else does that but I want to be able to continue helping you with your TV technology issues.

So, if you can, please make your contribution here. Any donation would be helpful and greatly appreciated. Many, many thanks.

Phil Swann
Editor & Publisher,

Please support by going to the ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ donation site here. Thanks!